The legendary Pastor Troy is in the trap with Karlous Miller and Clayton English! Karlous leads an amazing interview asking all the right questions with Clayton bringing the comedy too! Pastor Troy breaks down when he started rapping and tells a crazy story bout when the narcs ran up in his house! Pastor Troy shares with everybody the exact beat machine he uses that has created some of the most well known hits! Pastor Troy asks how the 85 South Show came together and Karlous and Clayton break that down. Pastor Troy be making movies and he explains his success in the industry and how he goes about putting films together. Plus, Pastor Troy tells the story of how his record label ran some funny business on him so he graciously gives the viewers and up-and-coming artists some legal advice. You know we don't play in GA! Troy explains how he is now working with the Atlanta Falcons and the Georgia Bulldogs this season and reps the for the whole state! This is the coldest podcast! #pastortroy #85southshow #comedy